Vista de uma das 154 barracas que existem em toda a extensão da praia do Futuro em Fortaleza.
English: View of one of the 154 "barracas" at "Praia do Futuro" in Fortaleza.
quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2007
Fortaleza: Praia do Futuro
Fortaleza: Piscinas naturais na praia do Futuro
Fortaleza: caminhando na Praia do Futuro
A praia do Futuro possui em torno de 7 kms de extensão, cercada de bons restaurantes, "barracas", como são conhecidas, que fornecem todo o conforto aos visitantes.
English: Futuro Beach is about 7 kilometers long, surrounded by good restaurants, "barracas" as it's named, with good food and confort for the visitors.
English: Futuro Beach is about 7 kilometers long, surrounded by good restaurants, "barracas" as it's named, with good food and confort for the visitors.
Fortaleza: Barcos de pesca em Mucuripe
Vista da praia de Mucuripe. Daqui os pescadores saem para o alto mar para pescar camarão, lagosta, peixes, que são vendidos frescos no Mercado de Peixes do Mucuripe.
English: View from Mucuripe Beach. From this place the fishermen go at sea to fish shrimp, lobster,fishes that later are sold fresh at the Fish Market.
segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2007
Fortaleza: Estátua de Iracema
O monumento foi erguido na praia do Mucuripe em 1965 e o autor da obra é o escultor Corbiniano Lins. É uma homenagem ao romance do escritor cearense José de Alencar "Iracema", que narra a história do romance entre "a virgem dos lábios de mel" Iracema e o português Martim Soares Moreno. Segundo a lenda, o lugar em que foi enterrada passou, mais tarde, a se chamar Ceará.
Leia mais
English: The monument was raised at Mucuripe beach, in 1965 and its author is the scuptor Corbiniano Lins. It's a reverence to "Iracema", a romance created by the cearense José de Alencar about the love between "the honey - lips virgin" and the Portuguese soldier Martim Soares Moreno. According to the legend, the place where Iracema was buried, was called later "Ceará".
English: The monument was raised at Mucuripe beach, in 1965 and its author is the scuptor Corbiniano Lins. It's a reverence to "Iracema", a romance created by the cearense José de Alencar about the love between "the honey - lips virgin" and the Portuguese soldier Martim Soares Moreno. According to the legend, the place where Iracema was buried, was called later "Ceará".
terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2007
Fortaleza: Esporte na Beira Mar
Fortaleza: ginástica na Beira Mar
segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2007
Fortaleza: Caminhadas na Beira Mar
Avenida Beira Mar pela manhã. Desde as 5:00 hs as pessoas invadem o calçadão para caminhar, correr e outras atividades esportivas. Após esse horário o calçadão fica vazio e o trânsito é bem tranqüilo.
English: Beira Mar Avenue in the morning. Since 5:00am people go to Beira Mar to jog,run or to practice other sports. After 9:00am, the place becomes empty and calmer.
English: Beira Mar Avenue in the morning. Since 5:00am people go to Beira Mar to jog,run or to practice other sports. After 9:00am, the place becomes empty and calmer.
Ruas de Fortaleza
Uma vista das ruas de Fortaleza. Na foto, esse belo hotel, localizado na Praia de Iracema. Veja o mapa das ruas de Fortaleza
English: A view from the streets of Fortaleza. At the picture, this beautiful hotel in Iracema beach..See the street map of Fortaleza
English: A view from the streets of Fortaleza. At the picture, this beautiful hotel in Iracema beach..
segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2007
Ceará maravilha: Dunas do Cumbuco
As dunas de Cumbuco são belíssimas e muito usadas em passeios de buggy, uma verdadeira tradição. Os passseios duram em torno de 50 minutos e você pode se divertir e viver muitas emoções.Na foto minha filha Fernanda aproveita a paisagem.
English: Cumbuco's dunes are beautifull and commonly used for buggys rides, which is a tradition in the region. The rides last about 50 minutes, and you can have lots of fun and experience lots of emotions. At the picture my daughter Fernanda enjoys the view.
English: Cumbuco's dunes are beautifull and commonly used for buggys rides, which is a tradition in the region. The rides last about 50 minutes, and you can have lots of fun and experience lots of emotions. At the picture my daughter Fernanda enjoys the view.
Ceará maravilha: Praia do Cumbuco
Esse restaurante é super calmo, confortável e a comida é deliciosa. Você pode passar o dia todo aí e no fim da tarde eu recomendo uma massagem. Custa R$25,00 a hora.
Como chegar
English: This place is very calm, confortable and the food is delicious. You can spend all day there, and at the end of the afternoon I recommend a massage. It costs R$ 25,00 an hour.>
How to get there
Como chegar
English: This place is very calm, confortable and the food is delicious. You can spend all day there, and at the end of the afternoon I recommend a massage. It costs R$ 25,00 an hour.>
How to get there
Ceará maravilha: cavalos na praia do Cumbuco
Ceará maravilha: Kitesurf no Cumbuco
domingo, 7 de outubro de 2007
Ceará maravilha: Bolsas artesanais
Essas bolsas são muito bonitas e delicadas!São feitas em seda ou outro tipo de tecido ou fibra, como juta, por exemplo. São pequenas ou grandes, com bordados em flores. Você escolhe!
English:These bags are delicate and beautiful! They're made of silk and other types of fabric or fiber like "juta", for example. They come in small or large size, with embroidered flowers. You choose it!
English:These bags are delicate and beautiful! They're made of silk and other types of fabric or fiber like "juta", for example. They come in small or large size, with embroidered flowers. You choose it!
Ceará maravilha: Brincos artesanais
Os artesãos são muito habilidosos na criação de vários tipos de brincos. Eles usam metal, sementes, penas de aves,etc. Na feira do Dragão do Mar você pode comprar brincos bem baratos, em torno de R$4,00 o par.
English:The artisans are very handy in creating many kinds of earrings. They use seeds, metal, bird feathers,etc. In Dragão do Mar fair you can buy it very cheap, about R$4,00 a pair.
English:The artisans are very handy in creating many kinds of earrings. They use seeds, metal, bird feathers,etc. In Dragão do Mar fair you can buy it very cheap, about R$4,00 a pair.
Ceará maravilha: Água de coco!
O coco é uma fruta muito comum na região Nordeste. Ele pode ser usado em vários tipos de comida. na praia é uma boa pedida. É servido gelado e se preferir peça ao garçom para abri-lo, assim poderá comer a fruta também!
English:Coconut is a very common fruit at the northeast region. It can be used in many kinds of food. At the beach, or in hot sunny days, it's a perfect call! It's served cold and if you prefer, you can ask the waiter to open it, so you can eat it too!
English:Coconut is a very common fruit at the northeast region. It can be used in many kinds of food. At the beach, or in hot sunny days, it's a perfect call! It's served cold and if you prefer, you can ask the waiter to open it, so you can eat it too!
Ceará maravilha: Vendedores de coco
A foto mostra uma barraca de vendedores de coco na praia. Eles vendem o coco mais barato que nas barracas. Em alguns casos esse é o único trabalho que possuem.
English:This picture shows men selling coconut at the beach. They, usually, sell it cheaper then the restaurants at the beach, about R$1,00. Sometimes it's the only job they have.
English:This picture shows men selling coconut at the beach. They, usually, sell it cheaper then the restaurants at the beach, about R$1,00. Sometimes it's the only job they have.
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